Application FAQ

What does ECG means?

Electrocardiogram records the electrical activity of your heart at rest. It provides information about your heart rate and rhythm.

Besides health condition, what information can be seen in the app/dashboard?

  • Location: records the wearer location up to 30 days presented in heatmap form and provides actual address of the latest location.
  • Alerts: records geofence, sos and fall (ezy) activities.
  • Wearer’s basic information and emergency contact (employer).

How can the alerts be triggered?

  • Geofence: when the wearer goes in or out from the designated area set by the employer.
  • SOS: when the wearer click on the SOS button.
  • Fall: when raqib(ezy) detects fall movement from the wearer.

Is there any way to contact the employer through the mobile app?

Yes, the contacts is provided in the About page and can be call directly by clicking on the numbers.

Flexi (F-1)

What is the values in the blood pressure readings?

  • Systolic : The pressure in your circulatory system when your heart is beating.
  • Diastolic : The pressure in your circulatory system between beats, when your heart is at rest.

What is the blood pressure category and its values range based on Raqib?

Blood Pressure Level Range
Systolic Diastolic
Hypotension 0 - 90 0 - 60
Ideal 91 - 120 0 - 80
0 - 120 61 - 80
Normal 121 - 130 0 - 85
0 - 130 81 - 85
Partial High 131 - 140 0 - 90
0 - 140 86 - 90
Mild Hypertension 141 - 160 0 - 100
0 - 160 91 - 100
Prehypertension 161 - 180 0 - 110
0 - 180 101 - 110
Severe Hypertension > 180 > 110

What information can be obtained from the ECG measurement?

  • Heart rate: the speed at which the heart beats.
  • Physiological age: a measure of how well or poorly your body is functioning relative to your actual age.
  • Fatigue: the level of physical exhaustion.
  • ECG graph: records the rhythm of electrical activity of the heart.

Ezy (E-1)

What information can be obtained from the ECG measurement?

  • Heart rate: the speed at which the heart beats.
  • Heart age: the age of your heart and blood vessels as a result of your risk factors for heart attack and stroke.
  • Mood: an emotional state.
  • Stress: a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.
  • ECG graph: records the rhythm of electrical activity of the heart.